*** The Official Website for The Town of Scott, NY ***

Code Enforcement Officer - Tim Bearup

code enforcementThe Town of Scott Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for enforcing state building and fire codes, local land use and zoning ordinances, conducting inspections, issuing building and demolition permits, and issuing Certificates of Occupancy. The Code Enforcement Officer is also responsible for answering complaints for housing code violations and work being done without permits and referring to and accepting applications for the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board.

When considering a project, first give the Code Enforcement Officer a call to prevent any misunderstandings or work stoppages. Permit applications are available from the Town Clerk.  An application fee is required.

Code Enforcement/Zoning Application Fees: Due when application picked up:

  • Building Permit: $25.00
  • (NOTE: Total cost of the Building Project for permitting is based on construction costs – $100.00 per square foot for habitable space and $45.00 per square foot for inhabitable space.
  • Demolition Permit: $50.00
  • MFH Special Permit: $150.00
  • Subdivision Permit: $150.00/ Major Subdivisions $250.00
  • ZBA Variance: $100.00
  • Permit Renewals: 3 years at 1/2 the permit fees then reapply as a new permit with current rates.

Office Hours at the Scott Town Hall: Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and by appointment.

Inspections Monday – Saturday by appointment.

Tim Bearup
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone # 607-423-4000

✉️ Contact The Code Officer

Thursday, February 06, 2025